, the terrible prelims made me wanna work even harder. have not been attending school due to that lousy timetable. you know eng teacher won't be coming till friday which was th last day @ ymca. geography tchr away for a holiday and will only be back on the 1/10 again, what for.-.-''
Whatever, I wouldn't want to recommend Ymca anymore. sucha fucked up system. but I can't deny I've met once in a life time people. guess they won't be forgottan. (: In fact, I do really can't bear to leave ymca this soon. anyway. studying is what is d most impt factor today.
Went to the mac & waited for cryst for an hour lar-.-'' DamnyouSIS. but you're great. your teachings power~ ^^ haa. hoping for more of your time but you claimed you needed cash so, you will see. meanie you. Really.Hmph. So I did my own studying while waiting and know what, I was realllyyyyy exhausted. I don't know why perhaps my contacts were killers. but, I pulled it through, saw many fightings for o's and wouldn;t be nice if I'm left sleeping so, I continued(: Guess my head was spinning all along but I ignored. even when I was home, preparing for tuition. So I'm homed, had panadols, Jerrome was kinda worried, but its okay baby, I;m fine cos I gona takecare of you de lor^^
Talking to my granny,parents,bro, bloggn, is really a way to relax myself. (: